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2023 CCR are now available online or in office if anybody wants a hard copy.Thanks


You may experience low water pressure due to flushing for Area D. These streets  include Pernie Bailey,Bayou,Lahaye,Kennison,Bayou Gerimond,Hwy 190, The Levee,3 Mile Lake,Two O'Clock,South 3 Mile Avenue,Wilson Lane,Old Hwy 190.Thanks

Steps on how to pay on utility pay

This is for Online payments only. The bills will still be sent out normally.


Type your name on the account

Location # is going to be on your bill under account number

Ex. 0000-010010 location # will begin with an 01,02,03, &04.

Press Search Accounts

Proceed to payment form

For address it’s not going to be the service address it’ll be the mailing address that is listed on the bill.

You can not make any overpayments. If you have any questions, please contact our office.Thanks!

Lead & Copper Inventory